Jason Marsh, CEO
Jason Marsh is the founder and CEO of Flow Immersive and a data storyteller.

Engaging consumers of information using consumer technology of AR/VR/XR is Jason's primary goal. Flow's augmented reality data stories have been seen by over 30 million viewers on social media. Flow Immersive has built data visualization presentations for the UNDP used in the UN General Assembly, at The World Bank, and other public policy organizations.

The unique problem we solve is that data is hard to present well, and data analytics and visualization tools have been focused on the analyst and scientist end-user, instead of on the large audience of data consumers. How can we engage our executive suite or general audiences to make better data-driven decisions? Our complex problems and solutions don't fit into PowerPoint decks: we need an understanding of both the big-picture context and the details.

Jason is obsessed with visual thinking, information design, data storytelling, and building things: companies, experiences, user interfaces, visual abstract art, music, and education reform.